A Guardian Angel for the Lonely Lady – Extended Epilogue


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“Mama! Mama!” shouted a little girl with brown curls. She had been patiently waiting to slip into the room as soon as the door opened.

Once inside, she smiled excitedly on seeing her mother and father lying on top of the bed covers. Between them was her one-year-old brother.

“Gently, Peggy. What is it?” Duncan asked, climbing off the bed to catch the girl up in his arms.

“Aunt Sophie is coming,” she said, screaming excitedly as Sophie entered.

“Shh! Keep quiet,” Duncan said to the five-year-old girl. “Your mother is trying to sleep.”

Peggy smiled. “Sorry Mama.”

“Come Peggy, let’s go outside and let mama rest,” Sophie said, pulling her, but the girl refused.

She shook her head. “I want Papa,” she said.

“Very well, let’s go out.”

When she realised that Papa would be going outside with her, she smiled and ran out of the room.


Alicia, who had been pretending to be asleep, opened her eyes as they left the room. She groaned and looked at her baby boy, who was still sleeping. She sighed. Peggy was always restless, just like Aunt Peggy. Minutes later, her husband returned.

“Where is she?” Alicia asked.

“With Rosa,” he replied. “Are you coming out soon?”

“Yes, I am. Have the guests started arriving?” she asked, sitting up carefully so as not to wake the little sleeping Duncan.

“Not yet. But they should arrive at any moment. My sister and mother may arrive a bit late, but Rosa is overseeing things. All we need do is to relax and wait for the party to commence.”

Alicia smiled and stood up. “I need to start dressing. You should do the same.”

“I will do that. First, I must see what the servants are up to,” he said.

“I don’t think you need to keep worrying yourself. After all, you have already given Rosa that task.”

Duncan shrugged. “Rosa is getting old. If the dinner were to be the family alone, it wouldn’t be a problem. But we are having guests, and I am certain that most of them will be people we are not familiar with.”

Alicia smiled. “You know the baroness for that already, so there are no surprises there. Still, you should see to the other things. I will see what Rosa is doing.”

“You are the baroness now,” he reminded her, and she laughed. “What if he wakes up? Are you sure you can cope with that?” Duncan asked, looking at the little one on the bed.

“Do not worry about that, darling. We are having this dinner and we will make it work. Now, hurry up, I…” she stopped as she saw him looking out of the window.

“Your aunt and father are here,” he said.

Quickly, Alicia crossed to the window to see what he had seen, and a smile spread across her face. It was indeed her family.

“Then, let’s go meet them,” Alicia said.


The carriage halted in front of the house. Lady Townley stepped out of the carriage with her brother.

“My Lady, it has been a while,” shouted Rosa from afar.

“Oh, look! It’s Rosa,” Peggy said to her brother.

Rosa neared them and curtseyed. But Lady Townley held up a hand and beckoned for her to come closer. When she did, Peggy embraced her.

“We are a family now. No need for such formalities.” Rosa chuckled as they pulled apart.

“How have you been, Rosa?” the viscount asked.

“Very well, My Lord. Please come with me. They are waiting for you.”

“What of my great-niece and nephew?” Peggy asked as they followed.

“She will come out once she hears your voice,” Rosa said as they reached the house. “Little Duncan is sleeping, which is a relief. When both of them are up and running, they can very quickly turn this house upside down.”


Peggy and Edward stopped as they heard the tiny voice behind them.

“Oh, now. Look at who we have here!” Peggy said as the little girl ran excitedly towards them. In a second, she lifted her up in her arms and threw her in the air. The girl laughed out loud.

“Where did she come from?” asked Edward.

Rosa shrugged. “I don’t know where she has been hiding,” Rosa replied.

“Were you hiding?” Peggy asked the child as she put her down again. The viscount brushed his hand through little Peggy’s hair.

“Yes Auntie, I was hiding from Rosa,” she said just as her parents came in. She eased her way out of her great-aunt’s grasp and ran to meet her father.

“She is so restless,” Peggy said with a laugh.

“Yes. As restless as you and her mother were when you were both her age,” the viscount replied.


“Father!” Alicia cried excitedly. She ran into her father’s arms and then she pulled away to hug her aunt as well. “I have missed you both so much,” she said.

“Yes, darling. We have missed you as well,” the viscount replied. “How long has it been?” he asked.

“A whole year!” Alicia replied. That was when she had given birth to little Duncan. They had travelled to Havenwood, where they spent five days, and that was the last time she had spent such time with her family.

“Thank you for holding this ball,” Edward said to Duncan. “We should see each other more often, for I fear I may wake up one day and realise that I can no longer recognise my grandchildren. Look at little Peggy. She has grown so fast.”

“Yes, she is just like me,” Lady Townley replied with a laugh.

“I hope she isn’t,” her brother said. He turned to Duncan. “You do not want her to be like my sister. She knows how to drive people crazy.”

Duncan laughed. “I think it’s a little too late for that,” Duncan replied, as little Peggy pulled his hair. He had picked her up and was carrying her in his arms.

“Where is little Duncan?” Aunt Peggy asked Alicia.

“He is sleeping, Auntie,” little Peggy replied, much to everyone’s astonishment as no one had asked her.

“Really? Why is he sleeping?” Aunt Peggy asked.

“I don’t know. He is always sleeping,” the girl replied with a frown.

“You do not like that, do you?” Aunt Peggy asked.

No. He sleeps too much, and he makes Mama sleep too.”


Duncan was with Edward in the study. He passed a cup of wine to his father-in-law before taking his seat.

“Look at you,” the viscount said with a smile.

Duncan frowned. He had no idea what the viscount meant by that. “I don’t understand, My Lord.”

“You, becoming a husband and a father to two beautiful children. You have really changed.”

Duncan laughed. “I think that is inevitable.”

“I hope everything has been going on fine with you and the family.”

Duncan nodded. “We are quite well. I do not do most of work these days. I have hired someone to oversee my business for me. I love spending time with my family.”

The viscount was impressed. “And that, son, is one of the tricks for living a long life. When you spend as much time with your family as you can, you will be happy.”

Duncan nodded. “I am very happy.”

“Do you hear from your stepmother very often?” Edward asked.

“Oh, yes. She will be here soon, with my sister and her two children.”

“Wonderful. This is indeed a family reunion,” the viscount remarked.

“You should know that Wilkins was released a week ago,” Duncan said.

“Oh. I forgot about him.”

“I like the man and I felt he might come good if could find decent employment, so I have set him up at a local coaching house. He is living a reputable life now.”

“That is impressive. I cannot believe that I completely forgot about him.”

Duncan laughed. “I think it’s normal. It is six years already.”

“Yes, you can say that. Try to apply that to old age. When you become a grandfather, like me, you only remember few things.”

Duncan laughed.

“And how about Lord Lucas? Do you hear anything from him?”

“He is still serving his time. Since he was the mastermind, he has more years to serve. He will not be coming out anytime soon.”

The viscount sighed. “He brought this upon himself.”

“Did anything happen at Havenwood when people heard the story?” Duncan asked.

“Oh, nothing. I think that many people were relieved. He had duped so many who were afraid to talk about it because of how powerful his family is. When they heard he had tried to kill me, they were happy he had been imprisoned.”

“Did his family not try to plead on his behalf?”

The viscount shook his head. “Not at all. His cousin said they had enough debt to settle because of him. We did a lot of people a favour by putting him away.”


“You are still as beautiful as you were when you got married,” Aunt Peggy said to Alicia.

They were in the bedroom. Alicia was busy dressing her daughter whilst her aunt played with little Duncan.

“I think we should thank my husband for that. He never lets me do anything.”

“I will definitely thank him,” Aunt Peggy replied.

“I hope father has been all right? Is he taking his medicine?” Alicia asked.

“Of course. He dare not miss any.”

Alicia chuckled. “Thank you, Aunt Peggy. I have missed the two of you so much. How is Havenwood?”

The older woman scoffed. “Havenwood is as you left it. The women are still gossiping.”

Alicia laughed. “That will never change.”

“Guess who came to see me a week after your wedding.”

“Lady Wilcom?”

“Yes, you are right!” Aunt Peggy shouted and they laughed.

“What did she want?” Alicia asked.

“What else than to confirm her gossip? She said she had heard that you and Lucas had ended your engagement. You remember the two of you had met in her house?”

Alicia nodded.

“Yes, she said she heard that you had ended it with him to be with another man and she wanted to know the truth.”

Alicia smiled whilst combing her daughter’s hair. “What did you tell her?”

“I told her I had better things to do than to talk to her. You should have seen her face.”

Alicia laughed. “Aunt Peggy! Why did you do that?”

“There was no need to try and explain what really happened. She would only keep the truth to herself and spread the lies. Why waste my precious time?”

“Peggy, we are done,” she said to her daughter. “Show your hair to your auntie.”

“Look at my hair,” she said to Aunt Peggy.

“Beautiful,” Aunt Peggy said. “Your mother has made you the exact style I made for her on her wedding day.”

Little Peggy smiled. “I like it.”

The girl turned to her mother. “Why do I and Aunt Peggy have the same name?”

Alicia gasped. “This girl is so clever, Aunt Peggy. Sometimes she asks questions that I do not have answers to.”

Aunt Peggy smiled. “You want to know why we have the same name?” she asked the girl. Little Peggy nodded. “It is because your mother and father love me so much.”

“But, do they not love Grandma too?” asked the child.

Alicia tried hard not to laugh.

“Of course they do, darling.” Aunt Peggy replied. “But I will tell you a story later tonight on how your father and mother had met. You like stories don’t you.” The girl nodded. “Good. Remind me tonight, darling.”

The girl clapped her hands excitedly. “I’m going to tell Aunt Sophie!”

“She will definitely remind you, Aunt Peggy,” said Alicia

“I’m counting on it. Besides, I think it will make the dinner less boring.”


Later that evening, Duncan and Alicia were dressing for the dinner party.

“My love, can you help me fasten this?” Alicia asked Duncan, who collected the necklace from her and brought it around her neck.

“Do you remember the first time I did this for you?” he asked as he fastened the clasp.

Alicia smiled. “Of course. How could I ever forget the first time you touched my skin?”

Duncan smiled. “I felt you shudder.”

Alicia smiled at the memory. “Yes, I remember. That was when you planted the seed of confusion in my head.”

Duncan laughed and pulled her closer to him. “I am still desperately in love with you, as I was then.”

“And I do not want that to ever change,” Alicia replied, putting her arms around his neck and bringing him closer for a soft kiss. The door opened and little Peggy came in.

“Hello,” said her father.

“Aunt Peggy is telling me a story tonight,” the girl said, and Duncan looked at Alicia.

“What story is she talking about?” he asked.

“Trust me. You will find out soon enough,” Alicia replied. There was a knock on the door.

“Yes, come in,” said Duncan. It was Sophie.

“Your mother, your sister and her family are here, My Lord,” she announced.

“Wonderful. We had better get going,” Alicia said. She held her husband’s hand whilst Sophie carried little Peggy.


After everyone had embraced and guests were introduced, while they were eating the only thing that could be heard was the sound of cutlery and the clinking of glass cups. There were twelve of them at the table. Emily and her husband, the dowager baroness, Lady Townley, the viscount, Alicia and Duncan, and five women of class, who had been invited by the dowager.

At another table in the same room were little Peggy and her two cousins. Sophie was with them and in her arms was little Duncan, who was fussing noisily.

“How has motherhood been, Alicia?” Emily asked, breaking the silence.

“It has been a wonderful experience,” she replied.

Emily raised her brows. “That is good. Will you and Duncan be having many more children?’

Alicia almost choked on her food. “No, we are quite all right. Aren’t we, my love?” she asked Duncan.

“Yes darling, we are.” Duncan replied.

Emily smiled. She wiped her mouth with a napkin and said, “When I discovered that I was pregnant, I almost fainted. I thought I wasn’t ready.”

Alicia was surprised. “Oh my goodness. Me too! I felt the same way. I had all of these negative thoughts.”

“I think it is a normal thing when you are not expecting it,” said Lady Barbara, one of the baronesses who had been invited.

“When I had him,” Emily said. “I loved him immediately. Motherhood is a beautiful thing.”


Lady Townley was quietly and busily eating her food when she felt something pull at her frock. She was surprised to see little Peggy.

“Peggy darling, what is it?” Alicia asked from across the table. “Why don’t you go and play with your cousins?”

Little Peggy shook her head. “Auntie said she would tell me a story,” she whined.

“Oh!” Lady Townley gasped. She had completely forgotten.

“But she is eating right now, dear. She will tell you when –” Alicia started, but stopped as her aunt waved at her.

“Let her be,” Lady Townley said to her niece, and then looked at the little girl. “Go and bring your seat here and I tell you the story.”

Peggy excitedly ran off and returned with a little chair that was just her size.

Lady Townley took a sip from her cup. All eyes focused on her. “This is a beautiful story of love, which is called The Damsel in Distress.”

Little Peggy clapped her hands excitedly.

“About six years ago, a beautiful princess went on a journey with her beautiful aunt,” Lady Townley started, giving Alicia a wink. “All of a sudden, from nowhere, there was a loud shooting and arrows were flying everywhere. Before they knew it, the beautiful princess was hit and the aunt was taken.”

“Aww,” the girl cried sadly. “Will she be okay, Auntie?”

“Hold on my darling. As the nasty men escaped, a handsome prince came from nowhere and carried this beautiful princess to his castle. The prince did everything he could to make the princess better.”

“Did he give her a kiss?”

Lady Townley frowned as everyone in the room laughed. “Well, this prince gave the princess more than that. He took care of her and the princess woke up. When they finally saw each other, it was love at first sight.”

“What about the aunt? Did she die?” little Peggy asked.

“Oh no, my dear. She lived to tell this story of love. After the princess told the prince all that happened, he went with his soldiers to rescue the aunt from the bad people and brought her to the castle as well. Then the prince asked the princess to marry him and they all live happily ever after.”

The girl smiled and clapped. “Do they have a cat?”

Lady Townley couldn’t understand what she meant by a cat. “Yes they do. They also had two beautiful children, of which you are one, my darling…” Lady Townley said and lifted Peggy up in her arms. The girl laughed and everyone clapped.

Alicia leaned closer to Duncan. She whispered, “Thank you so much darling.”

He frowned. “For what?”

“For rescuing me. You are my hero.”

Duncan brought her hand to his lips and replied, “No my love, you are the one who rescued me. I will love you now and forever.”


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95 thoughts on “A Guardian Angel for the Lonely Lady – Extended Epilogue”

    1. The Epilogue was great! I was so pleased to see all of the love and happiness that Alicia and Duncan shared with their two children and the rest of their extended family. It was a GREAT love story, and I was sad that it had to come to an end, like all good things, I guess. Thanks for writing such a wonderful book. I can’t wait to read your next one!

    2. Very interesting book with all the elements and emotions that make truly good reading. The extended epilogue completes the story. Duncan’s treatment of Wilkins showed true courage and honor. Knowing what happens to all the characters in the story gives the reader closure because you are not left wandering. Thanks for a truly good read. I am looking forward to your next book.

    3. I thoroughly enjoyed this book!! I was enthralled with her spirited, feisty independence (for the era) and adored the man that saved her world from ruin! Thank You!

    4. I always enjoy the stories, but because of my lack of computer knowledge I wish you would just tell the whole story. It is selfish to make us try to read the epilogue and have the computer fail. It is as though you lead us through the story telling until you find we are hooked, then slam the door in our faces with a laugh.

  1. Lovely story , filled with so much love and good spirit.Very exciting at times and also adventurous.

  2. I loved this story. I’m glad Duncan and Alicia found their happy ending. The extended epilogue completed the story by telling the ending of Lucas and Wilkes. A very nice story with a happy ending.

  3. I love the book and extended story. I felt that the character’s were well explored. I also felt the story moved along at a good pace. The plot was great. I loved the book.

  4. Such a sweet love story. I enjoyed it immensely. it was suspenseful and it kept you involved with such a tender ending.

  5. I loved your story and the epilogue. The storyline and characters were wonderful. I was so engrossed that I couldn’t put it down!

  6. Thank you so very much for the delightful story. I most thoroughly enjoyed it, as I have all the books I have read that were written by you.
    I look forward to the next one.

    Thank you..

  7. Lovely story with such a tender ending. Great characters and situations that grab your attention and heart.

  8. Lovely story with such a tender ending. Great characters and situations that grab your attention and heart.

  9. I loved this novel so much. Actually, I have loved all your novels. I believe I have read all that have been released. I will check that again to be sure. Hopefully, you are busy writing more!!! Thank you.

  10. I loved your story of love “Now and Forever!
    The way Alicia looked at life, the love she showed to her father and Aunt. Extended to Duncan and his family with out variance.
    Sadness is a part of life but not to dwell in it.
    Thank you.

  11. A truly beautiful love story. It’s great to have a sweet love story and mystery together. The characters were perfect and the epilogue wonderfully tied up what happened to Lucas and Wilkes. This was absolutely one of your best stories!

  12. This is a lovely story,with a fairy tale ending had everything that I love in a story. Mystery ,love, lovely characters,and where would the mystery be be without the baddies. There was couple of places that the story was about to end ,but each time it went on and on with the story I was very happy with this ,it never stopped being interesting .I loved every minute . Thank you

  13. Lovely story with a happy ending. Alicia and Duncan certainly had a happy ending with their family surrounding them with love also.

  14. This was an amazing story. Interesting characters and intriguing. It was hard to put down. Did have a few typo errors but still well worth the read.

  15. Twists and turns galore! Kept my interest long into night. Great story, very enjoyable. Epilogues are always fun to read, we have to make sure loves continues.

  16. This was a REMARKABLE STORY!
    I loved how Duncan came alive after meeting Alicia. And how he believes his read wife sent her. And watching Alicia call in love was AMAZING

  17. I liked it when Duncan asked his deceased wife at her gravesite. ‘Give me a sign”
    Universe did bring 2 soul mates together…. I only wish her Aunt Peggy had found her happily ever after..

  18. It was a very exciting story. The plot was very believable and we kept guessing who the bad guys were and I guessed it! They only thing that we picked out was the “winter flowers” and Alicia and Duncan sitting on a stone bench outside when it was snowing. We are sticklers for consistency. All in all, very well done!

    Thank you

  19. I liked the book but why not just include the extended epilogue? I am tired of writers doing this . I find it irritating and ridiculous.

  20. This was a fantastic exciting read. I couldn’t wait to see if those kidnapped were found. I love your books and this one was exceptionally interesting. Thanks for being an author I can trust!

  21. Great story, unable to put down. Family, mystery, romance and a happy ending. What more can a person ask for?

  22. Thank you for a delightful story. I was so happy to read the extended epilogue to find out how Lucas and Wilkes ended up as well as the many family members. A happily ever after!

  23. What a lovely story, this is the second time I have read this story thought it was great the first time, but I was unable to read the extended epilogue, but this time I have and I loved it. Thank you

  24. This enthralling, enchanting, must read had me captivated from start to finish with extended epilogue, the icing on the 🎂cake. Thank for another entertaining, sweet and clean, poignant Romance.

  25. Your story kept my interest until the ending. Very exciting. However, the editing needed improvement. Thank you for a interesting time, I will read your stories again.

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